Sponsor or exhibit at SWIFT

You're in safe hands


Ave rating:

What is your overall rating of SWIFT?


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Was it useful to connect with vendors at SWIFT?


Ave rating:

How helpful did you find the SWIFT events team?

Very well organized. One of the best in the many years that I’ve attended conferences and trade shows.

Brilliant conference, thoroughly enjoyed the speakers, panels and meeting colleagues from across the business. Really well organised, great hotel and food!

I really enjoyed the supplier’s booths and chatting with them about their products. The food was excellent. Every meal was top notch

It’s hard to just single one [session] out, they were all outstanding.

Love seeing case studies on construction to see what other folks are doing and how they are managing construction on their sites.

Loved it! Want to attend next year too.

Sponsoring or exhibiting at the SWIFT Conference offers a unique opportunity to connect with senior airside management from airports across the continent. This premier event brings together key decision-makers and industry leaders in European aviation, providing a platform to showcase your solutions, services, and expertise directly to those shaping the future of airport operations.

SWIFT helps consultants and vendors engage with these influential professionals, build lasting reltionships, and gain insights into the specific needs and challenges of Europe’s diverse airport ecosystem – all in one focused, dynamic setting.




Groupe Aviation Evenementiel Canada
4905 Boulevard Lapiniere
Bureau 4200 
QC. J4Z0G2